10 Dec
green book
The Green Book Dazzles
Category: Diversity, Human Relations, Polit...
The Green Book Dazzles by Dr. Kixx Goldman A O Scott got it wrong. He’s the NY Times Film Critic, one of my trusted sources. Scott spent half a page telling us what’s wrong with...
21 Aug
L & A Little Mountain
Beauty and Optimism in A Pluralistic Culture; On the buses in Vancouver
Category: Diversity, Human Relations, Polit...
Beauty and Optimism in a Pluralistic Culture; On the Buses of Vancouver by Dr. Kixx Goldman Being without a car and walking or busing everywhere in a spectacularly beautiful and...
21 Nov
I Remember the Sixties
Category: Human Relations, Politics, Psycho...
I Remember the Sixties by Dr. Kixx Goldman My shock button lit up yesterday when I read on Facebook about an incident in which an effigy of a lynching was put on the lawn of nei...
29 Oct
Let’s Listen to Generation Z
Category: Human Relations, Politics, Psycho...
Let’s Listen to Generation Z by Dr. Kixx Goldman My gut is churning and my head feels like someone sat on it. This is my author and coaching website and politics have no p...
08 Apr
Deconstructing Hana on Bernie
Category: Politics
Deconstructing Hana on Bernie by Dr. Kixx Goldman Reading Hana Schank’s comments in a Salon post of March 2nd made my blood boil. Hana implies that women over 45 are suppo...
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